Firelights Quilt & A Giveaway!
Quiltmaker does this really neat issue twice a year called 'Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks'. I have a quilt featured in this upcoming Spring '14 issue. It is based on my Formation block that was featured in 100 Blocks, Volume 8. Below is the block, and you can read all about it here!

Formation, block #761
I enlarged the foundation pieces of Formation and made 9 rows of elongated geese to create Firelights. Clothworks graciously supplied me with these eye-popping Botanica batik fabrics and voila!

My Mom (aka Wolf Creek Quilting) did some amazing quilting on this quilt. Unfortunately you can't really see it! Quiltmaker did a nice detailed drawing of the quilting in the issue though, so be sure to check it out! It is pretty stellar.

We have an extra copy of this Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Spring '14 issue and we have decided to give it away!
For a chance to win, leave a comment on this post (click the post title and scroll to the bottom) telling me what is inspiring your creativity/quilting projects these days, and submit by midnight MST, Wednesday, March 5. I will choose one lucky winner and email them.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to keep checking back, we have more sneak peeks of our new patterns, some show & tells and big new change to our website coming soon! Happy Sewing!
Teresa in Music City said:
Love that block!!!! And Firelights is an amazing quilt – such wonderful eye candy! I’d love to win a copy of the book and make one of my own :)
Becky in KCMO said:
This is soooooo lovely. The colors are great!
Sandra@SewofCourse said:
What a wonderful block, and brilliantly translated in the Firelights quilt. I love it!
Jan said:
Love the quilt, it reminds me of one of my favorites: http://www.jansquilts.com/2013/03/all-time-favorite.html. Thanks so much for the give away.
Lisa McGriff said:
I find that necessity feeds my creativity. Right now I have a list of baby quilts that need to be prepared…some quickly!
Shawn said:
Love the block and quilt. I am inspired by color after this very long winter with white and gray snow.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Quilting Tangent said:
Pretty Quilt! Inspiration comes from everwhere: the internet (different quilts), wallpaper, floor tiles. Anything that catches my eye.
Marly said:
At the moment my inspiration comes from Nature’s colours: purple croci with bright orange stamens, for example. Unfortunately, I haven’t got any further than inspiration, but I’m sure to be using those colours in something soon.
Thanks for the chance to win the Quiltmaker book.
Hazel Hoffman said:
I love how colorful that is. My inspiration comes from my dreams, from watching nature. It can come from a beautiful piece of music some days.
Betsy said:
Right now I am inspired by the baby my daughter is having in September. I have been making lots of baby things.
Cindy said:
Love this quilt, it’s to die for! Lately my quiltmaking has been inspired by the fact that I am newly disabled and can quilt all I want!
barbara woods said:
Love your block, thanks
Jan said:
OMG, your quilt is absolutely stunning! I love the block pattern and the bright, happy colors you chose. Thank you for a great giveaway. If I don’t win, I’m going to buy this issue so I can make a Firelights quilt for myself.
robyn jones said:
I love your quilt. Color is what inspires me. I love bright colors with black.
Mary said:
Deadlines! Currently inspired by deadlines.
Kathy said:
This is so fun! I get inspiration from reading blogs and surfing online fabric shops. I love seeing all the bright colors out there. They really excite me and make me want to sew for hours on end! Would love to win this book, thank you for the great give-away!
Angelina said:
I get inspired by color and design. I surf the web and try to think outside the box. I like different and unique.
Linda Jerome said:
I love your take on this block and the colors are so vibrant. Love, Love Love it.
Barbara Allison said:
I have come very late to quilting and subscribe to Quiltmqker magazine and treat each issue as a textbook. The simplicity of the pattern intrigues me and the combination of fabrics in the large blocks dragged me in and now I will try to find my own smashing combination in my stash. Thanks for the invitation to play!