New Cassidy Crossover Pattern Cover
All the women in our family use Cassidy Crossover purses on a daily basis. So, as Quilt Market approached, we realized we need a few more for display! We made quite a few more =] We loved our new ones so much, we decided to update our pattern covers to include one of the new purses. Here were the nominees!
Fabric: Birds of a Feather by Mark Hordyszynski for Michael Miller Fabrics
Fabrics: Bluebird Park by Kate & Birdie Paper Co. for Moda
We decided on the first one featuring the Birds of a Feather line from Michael Miller Fabrics. My Mom and I both loved this line! In fact, in addition to these two purses, we made a Wiley Way quilt with it too! Here is the new Cassidy Crossover pattern cover.

We hope you all like it! Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check back! Hopefully I will be unpacked and sewing soon!