Sunday Sewology - Catch-Up
Happy Sewology Sunday Everyone! The last few weeks have busy. Super busy, but great! So, instead of a tip today, I thought I would pull a post together of everything we have been up to!
First of all, our distributors have been keeping us busy! Here is a list of the distributors that are carrying Sassafras Lane Designs patterns:
We have also gone into full swing to prepare for Market in Portland. We aren't attending, but we are making a few quilts to be hung in some distributor and fabric company booths. =] We are so excited! The fabrics are beautiful and shaping up nicely in our patterns!

Robert Kaufman fabrics all cut up for the Lexington Lane quilt.
We welcomed the newest member of our family last week: Theodore Edward. We now are trying to finish up his quilt!

This will be a pattern coming out this summer.
We are have an upcoming pattern appearing in Quiltmaker July/August '13. Here is the sneak peek that appeared in the current issue! We are super excited about this pattern!

Sneak Peek of our pattern appearing in Quiltmaker's July/August '13.
And because we have a pattern appearing in an issue, we have to have a photo of the two of us together. One where we a both smiling, not wearing sunglasses or have to cut another family member out. So we set up the camera and a couple of quilts (Diamond Alley and Lombard Street) and this is what we came up with.

We don't look too tired do we!? Well, we feel blessed to be busy and can't wait to show you more of our latest creations! Thank you for stopping by today!

MEL said:
Beautiful, both of you. Amazing how good you both look in orange!wonderful pictures of you. I am anxiously waiting for the magazine to appear. May buy one for each of my friends—-or should I say both of my friends.