How to Fussy Cut Fabric
I love fussy-cutting! This might be because of my long term love affair with novelty prints! I have quite a hoard of them stashed away and only cut into them when their full cuteness can shine! One way to do that is by fussy-cutting. Just in case you are sitting at home thinking, “What the heck is fussy-cutting?”
Fussy-cutting is cutting specific pieces of the fabric repeat out to feature in your quilt or quilt block.
I love to fussy cut little characters to add some interest to quilts. I have been adding little pieces and parts to my Arcadia Avenue blocks for the Quilt Along. I love looking through the blocks trying to spot all the different fussy-cut pieces.
When the shape you are trying to cover is not a square, fussy cutting can be a little more complicated. But I am going to share my super simple (and cheap) method! I make template to the cut size of the shape and then cut out a window to view the fabric through.
What You Will Need:
- thick paper, cardboard or template plastic
- pen or marker
- scissors
- removable marking pen
- fabulous fabric for cutting
1. Trace the shape onto your thick paper with a pen. This will work with all shapes!
2. Add a ¼” around the shape for your seam allowance.
3. Cut out the shape with sharp scissors on the outside line.
4. Cut out the inside to create a window. I fold the template in half to cut into the center and then trim from there. If you are using clear plastic, there is no need to cut out the center because you will be able to see through it!
5. Now you can lay your template on top of the fabric and mark where you will cut. I like to mark all the pieces I will need before cutting to make sure it will work! Look how perfect that little dachshund fits into the triangle!
6. Using your rotary cutter or scissors, cut out the shapes and you are good to go!
See! I told you it was easy-peasy =] Try this with your next project and let us know how it goes. I would love to see your fussy-cutting adventures, so send us photos or post them to our Flickr group. Thanks for stopping by and have a Happy Hump Day!
AJP said:
What is that cute fabric with the fox and the fairies??
Chrissy Wilmshurst said:
I put my template through the laminator so lasted longer.