The Summer Lovin' Makers
We made a lookbook and filled it with fun projects (I will share those in another post), but one of my favorite things is to see how other makers use and interpret my fabric. I knew the release of Summer Lovin’ would be at a busy time and running a whole big social media campaign in between retail shows and right before Thanksgiving felt a bit overwhelming. So, I sent some fabric out to some of my favorite makers with no strings attached to see if they would like to make something out of it, and boy did they come through!
HAPPY TOGETHER made by Ben Millett
One of my favorite things about Ben’s creative process is how he shares every step! It is something I admire and love to follow along. He shared each block of this gorgeous twist on a courthouse steps quilt he named Happy Together. He wrote an amazing blog post all about this quilt. In addition to making this stunning quilt, Ben turned some of the designs from the line into Quilting Motifs! They fit the line so well and would be a great addition to any Summer project!
Ben’s Instagram: @benmillett
GEORGIA TOTE & BACKPACK made by Jessica of Sew Many Creations
Jessica’s is one my favorite people in the industry. If you like creative, funny, slightly sarcastic and talented bag designers, give her a follow! Jessica pieced together strips of Summer Lovin’ to make her Georgia Tote & Backpack and boy did it turn into the most delightfully rainbow bag ever! She paired Summer Lovin’ with some black cork and iridescent hardware and it could not be cuter.
Jessica’s Instagram: @sewmanycreations
Also, her husband is hilarious… just going to leave this little reel here for your viewing pleasure 🤣
BODACIOUS BLOSSOMS made by Linda & Carl of Colourwerx
If you like color, and well, you are here, so I am going to assume yes, then you most likely already love Linda and Carl of Colourwerx. There is no bigger compliment than someone wanting to use your fabric line for the cover of their new pattern and when I saw the mockup for Bodacious Blossoms, I had to pick my jaw off the floor! It has everything - color, flowers, wonky strips and curves!
Linda & Carl’s Instagram : @colourwerx
DAISY DRESS made by Kerri of Awful Pretty
Did I picture clothing when I designed this line, no. But, now I NEED this dress! Everything Kerri makes is so fun, colorful and creative. She has been sewing custom head-turning clothing since 2017 each item she makes is a work of art! Whether you need some fun custom clothing or are looking for some bright inspiration, definitely give her page a gander! Kerri made this adorable dress with the pink daisy print from the line.
Kerri’s Instagram: @awful.pretty
Honestly, is there anything cuter then this video of Kerri dancing in her Summer Lovin’ dress?
DIAMOND FLIP made by Sarah Ruiz
I fell in love with Sarah’s content a few years ago when she was making loads of quilted postcards and got completely hooked on her beautiful modern projects! She made this fun geometric quilt top with Summer Lovin’ using the colors versus the black and white prints to create an echoing diamond shape. I honestly can’t wait to see what Sarah creates in 2024!
Sarah’s Instagram: @saroy
FLIGHTED FANCY made by Sylvia of Flying Parrot Quilts
The intricacy and attention to detail in Sylvia’s projects in unparalleled and aspirational - definitely give her a follow! I am completely blown away by each and every paper-pieced project Sylvia designs. She made her Flighted Fancy quilt block using Summer Lovin’ and I can’t get enough! The arches in the line made perfect feather texture and the rainbow wings are absolutely dreamy.
Sylvia’s Instagram: @flyingparrotquilts
2HARLOW & LORELAI SKIRTS made by Cheryl of Paradiso
Cheryl has been our booth neighbor at Sew Expo for the last few years and she is the most genuine and creative people I have ever met! Cheryl designs clothing and bag patterns for her business Paradiso. Here patterns are so thoughtfully planned out and included every bit of detail you could ever hope for! She made both her 2Harlow Skirt (left) and Lorelei Skirt (right) using the Summer Lovin’ line and I adore them! If you are in the PNW area, you should definitely take one of her classes! She teaches everything from Ice Dyeing and Fabric Painting to Sewing with Knits and Handbag Construction!
Cheryl’s Instagram: @CherylofParadiso
DECORATIVE STITCH BOOK made by Jo of The Crafty Nomad
Jo is one of my favorite Brits in the game! She has been putting out inspiring colorful quilting content since before my first fabric line and always makes something fun. This time Jo whipped up this beautiful Decorative Stitch book so you can keep track of how all your fun stitched look stitched out. Jo has all sorts of webinars, memberships and online courses and more - check them out!
Jo’s Instagram : @thecraftynomad
DRESSES made by Robin Mandelbaum
Okay, these photos could not, I repeat, COULD NOT get any cuter! The dresses, the girls, the bubbles, the smiles, the popsicles - every element screams summer fun. Robin made these two little girl dresses in Summer Lovin' fabrics, one in the pink arch print and the other in the coral daisy print! Each dress is adorable on it’s own, but so cute together! Big thank you to Robin for making these adorable dresses and @jamelah for taking such fun photos!
Robin’s Instagram: @ribby66
SHROOM GARDEN made by Erin of Love Sew Modern
I met Erin when she interviewed me for an issue of Modish Quilter Magazine and we instantly bonded. Her work is such a delightful mixture of retro and modern, and she just published a book! Erin made her Shroom Garden pattern out of the Summer Lovin’ fabric line and boy is it cute. She used the the colorful prints for the mushrooms and they pop off of the scrappy white prints in the background!
Erin’s Instagram: @LoveSewModern
If you don’t follow these amazing makers already, please do! They each are all so talented and inspiring in their own unique styles. Next I will share the details of all the projects we’ve made using Summer Lovin’. Thanks for stopping by!
Tonna said:
Love your Summer Lovin fabric. It is so vibrant. All of the quilts are just gorgeous, Eric is totally rocking that backpack and the dresses are super cute. I don’t know what I like the best. But I know I need some of that fabric. It’s wonderful!