h+h americas 2024 Recap
I have definitely been taking a “better late, than never” attitude towards blogging. Not only has it been quite a few months since our last post, it has been a few months since we went to Chicago for h+h Americas! I think it is officially time for a recap. To put it simply, WE LOVED IT! It was everything we have been missing from Market and just getting started.
Buying a booth for this very new wholesale show (this was their 3rd year out) was a bit go a gamble. We had our doubts and questions. Is it going to be a good place for pattern designers with so much focus on other crafts? Are trade shows as a whole, dying off? And many others. But, we ultimately decided to pull the trigger and commit! And you know us, if we are going to do something, we are going to do it fully! We got ourselves a single booth and got to planning.
Since we were unsure of the audience, we decided to bring EVERYTHING! And after having been in business for 12 years, we had quite the number of products. To display everything, we chose to make walls out of foam insulation boards. This became quite the process as we figured out how to reenforce display shelves and a mirror. We ended up putting a selfie photo opt on the outside of our booth featuring all our mini quilts and a mirror adorned with our stickers.
Here is a little collection of photos from the week!
One of my favorite parts of h+h americas, was rocking our new appliqué jackets! We each made 3 new show jackets. Hit play on the video below and tell us which one is your favorite?
All in all, it was a great experience - we are already signed up to go back next year and cannot wait. The absolute best part was seeing all our old quilty friends and meet lots more people! We definitely think this is the new Quilt Market and are excited to see it grow.
Lois Daubney said:
Love your jackets!! I think your display was very well done. Love how well it showcased your different products.