The things we endure for a good photo!
We always have a blast on our photo-shoots. This is one of the things I will miss the most when we are separated by states. Today was a little challenging though! You may have seen on the news that Colorado is getting a little extra rain then normal (to put it lightly!). It finally stopped raining today just long enough for us to snap a few shots of one of our new patterns.
We tromped through tall damp wild grass to shoot a few shots on a fallen tree.
Then at our next location, this little (read humungous!) guy came out to greet us. Lets just say I am less then fond of spiders, so it took a lot for me take a photo. This 7-legged spider was as wide as my shoe! Yikes!
As I was taking that last photo, we heard a large crack of thunder and decided to call it a wrap! Good thing too, because as soon as we drove away it began to dump!
Here are a few of the fun shots we took! (WARNING this is a sneak peek of Wiley Way! This pattern will be available soon.)
The fabric we used is Tule by Leah Duncan for Art Gallery Fabrics. We loved the pretty combination of coral, orange, aqua and navy. Below is my favorite shot of the day.
Totally worth getting the heebie-jeebies from an enormous spider and itchy legs from whatever bugs were in the tall grass. Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Stay tuned for this pattern and a few other new ones! Thanks for stopping by.
Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said:
What a beautiful pattern, and you chose such gorgeous fabrics that really fit perfectly with it!
Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
Michelle said:
I love this line (have a FQ bundle of both the Nevada and Arizona)…and how you used it in your quilt! Will look for your pattern. Thanks!
Rxm0m03 said:
I cannot WAIT to get my hands on this pattern!
Stacey said:
Beautiful quilt and funny post on how to get the images. Lucky you just missed the downpour!