Arcadia Avenue - Boomerangs (block 8)
Well last week was an exciting week here at Sass. We introduced all our new Spring patterns! Firelights Lane, Bubba Bowling Bag and Canyon Boulevard patterns are now up in the store.
Block 8 of Arcadia Avenue is named Boomerangs. In the cover quilt, the light pieces form a triangular shape that looks like a boomerang going around the hexagon and coming back. Or at least in my head! Naming 12 blocks was a challenge!
Alright, now to the goods =] Here are our blocks!
Shayla's Block:
For my low volume block I placed 12 different low volumes where the colors originally were placed, the color (this time green) where the light was placed, my grey tone-on-tone where the dark was placed and chose a different low volume for the grey. I like how this on turned out! I had a hard time finding 12 greens that didn't lean towards lime, must be a preference of mine =]. But I managed and this one is much more green than my lime block was lime! They look nice together though and that's all that matters!
Kristy's Block:
For this block I pulled 12 different teals and greens. The flying boomerangs are alternating light and 6 different pinks. I was a little challenged on what to do for the two outer spots – I didn’t think I wanted more pink or light out there, so…I introduced a new fabric, I know, a little crazy, but anyway its done – and I like it! My new fabric is similar in value to my dark with a fun swirly prints – it’s a fabric I’ve had (and used a lot) in my stash for along time! I’ll need to add that to some of the last blocks so it doesn’t scream look at me!
Shared Block:
In rainbow order, next up is – green. So, right after orange, teal, and lime, green could be the favorite color! For the colors, we chose 12 greens from the scrap bin that went together and didn’t try to crawl to the lime side. We left the dark and medium where they belonged, because really why mess with a good thing? In one block there is an adorable spider fabric that we only use sparingly because its older and almost gone!
Block 8 Design Options:
- Lighten It Up - Reverse the lights and dark placement to make this block read much more light than dark.
- Blooming Flower - Place the colors where the light and dark were originally placed and light where the colors were for a colorful change.
- Changing Values - Swap the light and colors to have just a pop of color and create a very different look.
- Optical Illusion - Make all the A and B foundations opposites with only two different contrasting colors to create an interesting illusion!
And this week's prize winner is Annette De La Croix for sharing this photo of her Block 9 on Flickr!
Now your turn! We want to see how your blocks turn out! We have a Flickr group so you can add your photos there! We will pick one winner with each post for a small giveaway from everyone who participates.
First time here? No problem! Join in the fun. Grab a book here, read up on the previous posts here and begin when it works for you! Be sure to use the #ArcadiaAvenueQAL hashtag on Instagram and Twitter too! Thanks for stopping by!
Ruthie said:
Wow, what a small world. Hi Shayla, it’s Ruthie from the Quiltmaker sewers. Annette is in my guild and I have seen her blocks in person and they are stunning.