Favorite Notions, Giveaway Winners & A Mother's Day Sale!
We polled blog hoppers about their favorite quilting notions this past week and here are our results! We all have notions we wouldn't quilt without and I will share my favorites a little further down in this post. At the bottom of the post are this week's winners and information about the Mother's Day Sale!
The top notion you wouldn't live without is a rotary cutter. This is a notion I completely take for granted. They have been around since I have been quilting, so I was never privy to the days of scissor cutting individual pieces. But I can imagine it and will definitely start appreciating my rotary cutter more!
The next favorite was the biggest surprise of all! Seam rippers - of all things! There were a lot of jokes and comments like: "My seam ripper is my best friend? Lol!" "My most used notion is definitely the seam ripper." "I have to say that my seam ripper and I have a very intimate relationship. I can’t live without it!" and "My seam ripper because it always has my back and makes me look good…..eventually! ;)" I do think a good sharp seam ripper is important, but man do I hate to have to use it!
A newer notion was next in line. Wonder Clips from Clover are one our favorites as well. I refuse to bind anything without them and my Mom loves them for constructing bags. They are easier to get on and off than pins and can hold more layers easier.
Next up were a handful of specialty rulers, thread and scissor - all very important to the process of quiltmaking! Some less mentioned notions, but ones I may have to invest in are rotating cutting mats and stilettos. Apparently using your seam ripper in place of a stiletto is a giant no no. Who knew!? Thanks to everyone who commented and participated in the poll. It was fun to collect information!
Now, let's take a look at my Top 10 Favorite Notions!
In no particular order (and not including my sewing machine!):
1. Self Healing Cutting Mat - My Mom has a large orange one and I am completely envious of it! I have a few different sizes. A large one that covers my cutting table and a small one I keep by my sewing machine.
2. Rotary Cutter - I am already learning to appreciate them more! I have three different sizes. A 60mm for cutting multiple layers, a 45mm for everyday sewing and a 28mm for paper-piecing.
3. Acrylic Rulers - I have way too many of these! My favorites are my 12" 60 degree triangle ruler, 8.5" x 24.5" long ruler and my 6.5" and 9.5" squares. My personal favorite are Creative Grid rulers. I like their clear markings and extra 1/2" on the sides. I also never paper-piece without my Add-A-Quarter ruler!
4. Scissors - I have lots of pairs, but I always keep a pair by my machine ready for trimming threads and cutting out appliqué patches.
5. Thread - I keep an assortment of neutrals on hand for piecing and several colors for appliqué. My favorite threads for piecing are Aurifil and Presencia.
6. Starch - We do a lot of designing with triangles and bias edges, so starch is one of our best friends. We usually buy out a store when we are stocking up!
7. Iron and Ironing Board - Another must have! We made our own ironing boards (if anyone is interested in a tutorial, we will make one!) and love our Oliso irons.
8. Seam Ripper - I have gone through multiple seam rippers. I don't have a favorite or nemesis. As long as they are sharp, they work for me!
9. Pins and Magnetic Pin Cushion - I will be the first to admit I don't pin as much as I should, but when I do my pins are right there next to my machine ready to be used! I have a varied assortment of pins that have been collected and lost over many years of sewing.
10. Clover Wonder Clips - This is a newer tool in my notions belt, but I love them! Making bags and binding quilts has been easier ever since then.
We had a couple giveaways this week, here are the winners, winners, chicken dinners!

The 4 issues of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, vol. 11 go to:
♥ Nancysue who's favorite notion is a pincushion from her great grandmother.
♥ Crafty Gramma who's favorite notions are wonder clips and a 4" x 14" ruler.
♥ Bonnie Smith who's favorite notion is a 28mm rotary cutter.
♥ Nicole Sender who's favorite notion is her mother's thimble.
♥ Delaine who's favorite notion is her adhesive spray.
We also picked a few extra winners for their incredibly unique favorite notions!
♥ Karen's favorite sewing notion is her porcupine quill she uses as a stylus.
♥ Lisa Marie's favorite notion is a wooden wallpaper seam roller for “finger pressing” and flattening seams.
♥ Annie's favorite notion is a Godiva chocolate box under my acrylic table to hold scissors, feet, seam reaper, thread, etc.

The winner of the 11 Butterflies fat-quarters from Andover and Diamond Detour pattern is:
♥ Sandy A in St. Louis who is loving 60 degree angles!
Wow, this blog post is getting long! Just one more thing!
We are having a little Mother's Day Sale!
To show our LOVE and appreciation for all Moms, we are having a little sale! All our PDF patterns are 30% off today through the weekend! Happy Mother's Day!
Be sure to enter this code at checkout: welovemoms

Sandy A in St. Louis said:
Oh my gosh, I see my name listed as a winner! Woot woot! THANK YOU!!!
Karen in Breezy Point said:
Thanks so much! The porcupine quill works great—I hope you get to try one someday!