Arcadia Avenue QAL vs. Quilt Market Prep

Hi Everyone! I know most of you stopped by today with the intention of seeing our next Arcadia Avenue blocks. Unfortunately, we have not been able to work on them the last few weeks.

Silly us! We assumed since we are not attending Quilt Market in Minneapolis, we would have extra time to keep up with the quilt along. We were wrong! We have been working our batooties off trying to get our next patterns ready and lots of projects completed! We aren't going to Market, but our quilts and bags are! 

I have updated the QAL schedule on our Arcadia page and we will resume it in a few weeks when our Quilt Market prep has died down. We hope you understand! If you are a little behind (like me!) this would be a great time to get a few blocks cranked out and feel free to keep working on the next ones. 

Now, since we don't have blocks to show you, we will share a few sneak peeks of what we have been working on. =]

Quilt Market Prep

Thank you for stopping by!


Sew Surprising

Sew Surprising said:

If we only had 48 hour days Im sure we could get a lot more completed and done ahhaahaha Heck Id not be able to keep up with your work schedule, look forward to the new patterns :)


Rochelle said:

I don’t have a schedule like yours and I still have a hard time keeping up. I will keep trying to achieve perfect seams but without the pressure!!!!

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