Favorite Things Fabric Instagram Tour
When I design a fabric line, I have plans for it. Some of prints will go great in this pattern, other prints for another and sometimes a BOM (like Graphic Jam) for all of the prints! But, where the real fun begins is seeing what others make with the fabrics. Everyone interprets colors and prints differently and it is so much fun to see how the fabric takes different shapes and turns into things I never imagined!
So, here we are launching my third fabric line, Favorite Things, into the world and I can think of no better way than asking some of my favorite designers and makers to participate in a little tour! Come join us over on Instagram for endless inspiration and 7 opportunities to win a fat-quarter bundle of Favorite Things.
Jo’s whimsical designs will definitely bring a smile to your face. She hosts a pattern club that is super fun and sells the most adorable enamel pins!
Ben’s use of color and precise piecing are downright enviable! He made a quilted jacked with some mini blocks and it is perfection.
Sherry is not only a talented quilter and avid blogger, she also has her second fabric line with Island Batiks shipping out this Spring!
I remember seeing Sylvia’s booth at a Quilt Market years ago and falling in love with her inspiring science based designs! They are the coolest!
Linda and Carl’s colouricious patterns have been inspiring me for years. I fell in love with their Mod Dog and have the pattern in my “make someday” pile!
Elise’s EPP is so gorgeous it almost makes me want to give it a try! But for now I will just marvel at her impeccable stitching.
Joanne’s colorful foundation paper-pieced designs caught my eye right away. Her flower and critter designs are just too cute!
Irene’s bubbly videos and adorable designs are so joyful! She makes the most fun YouTube videos courses and sew-alongs.
Robin is one of the sweetest and talented makers I know! She created revolutionary rulers to strip-piece various mariner's compass quilt blocks.
Each one of Sarah’s quilted postcards is more jaw-dropping than the last! In addition to the 100s of postcards, she makes the most beautiful modern quilts.
I met this new mama years ago at Market! Since then Kaitlyn has started an incredible long quilting business and successful pattern business.
Jess is a great friend and talented bag and quilt pattern designer. In addition to all that, she is the OG cork lady - follow her for the best tips!
Emily’s modern quilt designs are absolutely swoon-worthy! The amount of quilts she makes with little ones running around it impressive!
Natalie is a fellow Windham designer and quilt designer! Her fabric lines are gorgeous and she always has a fun nugget of quilty wisdom up her sleeve.
Audrey's unique curvy quilts are absolutely stunning! The way she mixes color and combines shapes is completely inspiring and drool-worthy!
I recommend giving all these amazingly talented makers a follow! I will be sharing a recap post next weekend with all the projects and links to them, so be sure to check back for that!
Check out the first post here for the first opportunity to win!
This week I will put together a post all about Favorite Things - the inspiration, the process, the final fabric and all the projects we have made with it. Until then, check Instagram everyday for some seriously colorful inspiration!