New BOM Naming Contest
***CONTEST CLOSED! Our new BOM name is GRAPHIC JAM!***
HELP! Our new block-of-the-month pattern book needs a name!
We have been stumped on what to name our upcoming BOM pattern, so we are asking y’all for a little help. To make it fun, we are going to hold a little contest! We are putting this contest out on our blog, Facebook and Instagram.
We are looking for something cute, clever, funny or just down right amazing - bonus points if it is a street name (avenue, drive, street, circle, etc.)! Comment below with your favorite name(s) and we will pick a winner next Friday (4/2). The winner will win bragging rights - And if that isn’t enough, you will also win the pattern book for you and a friend, before anyone else can get it!
Comment below 👇
Pattern will be released in late May and this digital mockup contains a little sneak peek of my newest fabric line with Windham Fabrics, Favorite Things!
Angie King said:
Staggered Crossing
M Burgess said:
Stay Positve
Sally Christiansen said:
At The Corner of 12th and Vine
Shelley C said:
Argyle Crossing – Reminds me of argyle socks.
Deb Swords said:
The Cross walk
Janie Benander said:
Rainbow Crossing’s
Connie said:
Time Warp- it reminds me of Twight Zone!
Sandra said:
Scenic Cross Over
Pam Gardner said:
I like Cross Roads
Debbie Webb said:
Give It a Whirl
Jan McEachern said:
Crosstown Way
Cristine Mincheff said:
Sassafras Star Nebula
ma said:
road to cairo
Molly said:
When I saw the lovely colors it made me think of the northern lights. So I thought of “Aurora Way”
Cheryl McCann said:
I’m going current events and suggesting “Corona Crossing.”
Might as well own it!
Debbie Nichols said:
Kaleidoscope Crossing
Kim said:
B2 Blvd
The exponent did not get pasted; it should read “B squared Blvd.”
That could also stand for a lot of ideas if you want:
Beautiful Blocks Blvd.
Bodacious Blocks Blvd.; or as is.
Marje said:
Cross Avenue
Cassandra Collins said:
Every Which Way
Sherrel said:
Viral Quilt
Pam Davison said:
Aurora Borealis
Sue said:
Positively United
Ms Sam Nicholson said:
Why not Covid19
Julia Smith said:
After all we’ve been through how about Positive Thoughts
Which Way
Wendy said:
Down sassafras Lane to happiness Circle
Cindy said:
I would name it: A+++
Sheryl Kitamura said:
Positive Pathway!
Andrea said:
Two suggestions:
Plus Parkway
Sum Summit
Dena said:
I kept thinking of names and could not decide :)
Hop scotch drive
Hop Scotch way
Queensbridge Road
Rotary street
Stitchwell road
Thread Street
Union Square
Cross Lane
Constanze Bock said:
Crystal J Smith said:
Street Crossing
Julie K Brandes said:
cul-de-sac crossing
positive vibes
Christine said:
Ankara Rainbow. The fabrics remind me of bright african fabrics and the crosses are arranged in a rainbow. Beautiful. Ankara is also known as African wax prints or Dutch wax prints. Per wikipedia they are colorful cotton cloths with batik inspired printing.
Pat Anderson said:
How about Positive Pathway?
Carol said:
Road to Recovery
Andrea said:
Couple more suggestions:
Calculated Crossroads
Cipher Summit
Debbie said:
Chromatic Crisscross
Crisscross Junction
Kaleidoscopic Crossroad
Prismatic Springs Crossing
Andrea said:
One more suggestion 😀-
Geometric Jungle
Linda Sapp said:
The Wizard’s Wardrobe
Linda Sapp said:
Over the Rainbow
Sue Gallagher said:
Positive Place or Positive Crossing
linda s said:
since we are all in this together at the moment, how about
All Together Now
:) Linda
Linda F said:
Star Crossed Diagonals
Carol Hudson said:
Here’s a couple possible names:
Rainbow CROSSRoads
Rainbow Promenade
Crossroad Boulevard
CC said:
CrossTown Gridlock
Block’d Intersection
All Roads Lead In
Traffic Jam in Motion
Diana said:
Accentuate the Positive Lane
jean h said:
Sassy Crossroads
Urban Crossroads
Divided Highway
The Highway
Rendezvous Ridge
Privet Trails
Nancy Cochran said:
Any Switch Way
LisaE said:
Lombard Street