Let's Get Accquainted Blog Hop
Hello to everyone stopping by for the 2013 Let's Get Acquainted - New Blogger Blog Hop! Big thank you to Beth from Plum and June for setting up this great opportunity! I have met lots of inspiring quilters and have overloaded my Bloglovin with new blogs to follow since this hop began a few weeks ago!
So, now for a little bit about me.
When did you learn to quilt and who taught you?
Honestly, I can’t ever remember not sewing! My grandma taught me to sew when I was six and I have been sewing and designing ever since! Now, three generations of us work in all aspects of the quilting world for our day jobs. My grandma works at Buggy Barn, an amazing quilt shop in Reardon, Washington; my mom is a professional long-arm quilter and I work for Quiltmaker magazine.
Why did you begin blogging?
I began blogging at the beginning of this year, when my mom and I turned our hobby of designing quilts into a business. I always knew I wanted to blog and be a part of the great online quilting community. In college, I spent countless hours clicking through tons of quilting blogs admiring the beautiful work, great photography and sense of community. And now, I get to take part =]
What is the meaning of your blog's name?
Sassafras Lane is the name of our business. It is also the name of the street I grew up on and my parents still live on. The "News from the Orange Studio" came about after we remodeled the basement into a huge orange sewing space. It is fabulous!
What is your favorite type of project?
My Favorite type of project is scrappy and colorful. I love the rainbow... if you couldn't tell! I have a hard time throwing away even the smallest pieces of fabric, so we have color-coded scrap bins full great pieces! I am always digging through them for projects.
What are you working on right now?
Well, many things! We are trying really hard to keep our focus and get a few more patterns completed for our first Quilt Market in the Fall.
What is your favorite/least favorite part of sewing/quilting?
My favorite part of making a quilt is designing. I love everything from the sketching, drawing it up in Illustrator and choosing fabrics. My least favorite part is anything after the quilt top is done! I am a very lucky girl to have such a talented longarm quilter as my business partner =] She also binds for me, which for me is a god-send. After all that, I love to stage and take photos of projects.
What other hobbies do you have?
My largest hobbies outside of sewing are photography and traveling. In my mind, they go hand-in-hand. My big trip last year was an adventure in Iceland and this year I will be going to Argentina right after Quilt Market =] I am very, very, very EXCITED!! I also really enjoy spending time with my family and 3 amazing dogs: Cooper, Bauer and Shelby.
What other social media do you actively use?
Facebook. Pinterest. Instagram. And I just started a Flickr.
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Now let's have a giveaway! Some how we ended up with two of these Kate Spain - Cuzco fat-quarter bundles. So I am going to give one away! Leave a comment answering the question below by July 11 at 12:00 MST for a chance to win!
What is your favorite color and is it reflected in your sewing projects?
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you come back soon, and be sure to stop by all the other blogs on the hop this week and say hello!
Alyce @ Wonderland By Alyce
Anna @ The Crooked Banana
Rachel @ Sew Happily Ever After

Pat Lyman said:
My favorite color is blue and yes, it is in just about every quilt I make! Just love the talent which flows from Sassafrass Lane!
Joanne Bur said:
I can’t really say I like one color over another. I worked as a floral designer for a while, and probably some of my most favorite designs were baskets filled with lots of color. This has followed over into many of my quilting projects!
Jan said:
My favorite color is red and I’d say it’s reflected in about 35% of my projects. I love the bright happy colors you use in your projects.
Anita said:
Actually black just seems to make every other color pop…making them all my favorite. Came across your blog through the new blogger blog hop, great addition to my blog reading and inspiration. Although earlier today I did see your quilt (with the old ford truck) & couldn’t keep my eyes off it. Two loves of our house quilting & old vehicles….
Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said:
What a great blog and partnership! Beautiful projects. My fav color right now is yellow and gray or orange and gray. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!
Michelle @ Squeek Crafts (factotum-of-arts) said:
I love that triangle quilt, great colors. I am so impressed with going to iceland – it has been on my list for a while. Argentina, sounds like it will be a great vacation. Nice to get to know you along the blog hop journey.
Kathy @ Legacy Threads said:
Luuuve your blog and patterns! My favorite color changes with the seasons. I love grey and red in the winter (reminds me of Christmas), hot pinks and yellows in the Spring, oranges in the heat of Summer, and blues in the Fall. Of course I have yet to make a quilt that doesn’t have white in it…it’s my favorite non-color.
Sarah said:
Aha! The other day I thought to myself, I wonder if that’s the same Shayla as QM Shayla — you answered my question! You and your mom are terribly talented and I’m looking forward to seeing what else you’ve got up your sleeve ;) I tend to gravitate towards beachy blues (most definitely reflected in my sewing), but lately I’ve been smitten with sunset-esque hues too. I guess (unlike most), I just struggle with mixing those two palettes into one giant rainbow? ;) Thanks for the chance!
Barbara said:
You will find red in 90% of my quilts!
lisa@hilltophouse said:
Yay! Someone else likes to keep every small snippet of fabric too. I too have my scraps organized by colour and love to dig through my bins to find the perfect piece. I love the rainbow and have learned that I like to work with colours in my quilts that I wouldn’t have expected. My favourite colour is orange and the funny thing is, I don’t use it much in my quilts. I think I need to change that!!
Mary Myrup said:
My favorite color is lime green, but I try use all that I can.
Nothing is left behind.
Gill said:
I love your colourful quilts!
I love bright colours my favourite is red and I use it as often as I can!!
Ali @ Making Happyness said:
My favourite colour is blue and I don’t think I use it enough. I did just buy a load of blues though so maybe…
Really nice to meet you through the blog hop. I have added you to my bloglovin list. You make some beautiful things.
Quilting Tangent said:
My favorite color is purple and yes I use it in my projects. Love all the colors in the giveaway will fit right in with my collection.
Melissa said:
I love EVERY color of the rainbow…JUST like you Shayla! I find that one project I am in the mood for a certain color and then for the next project I move on to another. It actually works out quite well for me and once I have used up a bunch of the same color in my stash, I know what to keep an eye out for when I go shopping to help build it back up. It’s the best creative cycle a quilter can have, right?
Shawn J said:
I like all colors but I think my fave is red. It’s nice to have found your blog through the hop, I think I will have to follow now.
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
Lorna McMahon said:
It must be wonderful to have 3 generations of gals working together and sharing a love for quilting! It has been a pleasure to meet you guys and get to know yous through the new blogger hop. Your designs are awesome, especially with the focus on the rainbow. Sew inspiring! Glad to have connected with you on Flickr!
By the way, my favourite colour is Turquoise and, yes, I do tend to like using it for my quilting projects!
Donna P said:
I have several favorite colors but overall, I really like blue, followed by pink, then red. I try to always use a variety of colors in my quilts but I especially like using these particular colors.