Let's Get Accquainted Blog Hop
Hello to everyone stopping by for the 2013 Let's Get Acquainted - New Blogger Blog Hop! Big thank you to Beth from Plum and June for setting up this great opportunity! I have met lots of inspiring quilters and have overloaded my Bloglovin with new blogs to follow since this hop began a few weeks ago!
So, now for a little bit about me.
When did you learn to quilt and who taught you?
Honestly, I can’t ever remember not sewing! My grandma taught me to sew when I was six and I have been sewing and designing ever since! Now, three generations of us work in all aspects of the quilting world for our day jobs. My grandma works at Buggy Barn, an amazing quilt shop in Reardon, Washington; my mom is a professional long-arm quilter and I work for Quiltmaker magazine.
Why did you begin blogging?
I began blogging at the beginning of this year, when my mom and I turned our hobby of designing quilts into a business. I always knew I wanted to blog and be a part of the great online quilting community. In college, I spent countless hours clicking through tons of quilting blogs admiring the beautiful work, great photography and sense of community. And now, I get to take part =]
What is the meaning of your blog's name?
Sassafras Lane is the name of our business. It is also the name of the street I grew up on and my parents still live on. The "News from the Orange Studio" came about after we remodeled the basement into a huge orange sewing space. It is fabulous!
What is your favorite type of project?
My Favorite type of project is scrappy and colorful. I love the rainbow... if you couldn't tell! I have a hard time throwing away even the smallest pieces of fabric, so we have color-coded scrap bins full great pieces! I am always digging through them for projects.
What are you working on right now?
Well, many things! We are trying really hard to keep our focus and get a few more patterns completed for our first Quilt Market in the Fall.
What is your favorite/least favorite part of sewing/quilting?
My favorite part of making a quilt is designing. I love everything from the sketching, drawing it up in Illustrator and choosing fabrics. My least favorite part is anything after the quilt top is done! I am a very lucky girl to have such a talented longarm quilter as my business partner =] She also binds for me, which for me is a god-send. After all that, I love to stage and take photos of projects.
What other hobbies do you have?
My largest hobbies outside of sewing are photography and traveling. In my mind, they go hand-in-hand. My big trip last year was an adventure in Iceland and this year I will be going to Argentina right after Quilt Market =] I am very, very, very EXCITED!! I also really enjoy spending time with my family and 3 amazing dogs: Cooper, Bauer and Shelby.
What other social media do you actively use?
Facebook. Pinterest. Instagram. And I just started a Flickr.
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Now let's have a giveaway! Some how we ended up with two of these Kate Spain - Cuzco fat-quarter bundles. So I am going to give one away! Leave a comment answering the question below by July 11 at 12:00 MST for a chance to win!
What is your favorite color and is it reflected in your sewing projects?
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you come back soon, and be sure to stop by all the other blogs on the hop this week and say hello!
Alyce @ Wonderland By Alyce
Anna @ The Crooked Banana
Rachel @ Sew Happily Ever After

Lisa Cox said:
I’m a blue kinda girl, and it seems to be the predominant color in my stash! I’ve recently made a quilt trying to use only yellow, orange, grey, reds and white, but I was noticing today that some of that blue made it’s way in! Sneaky Blue! I’m enjoying your site, and have followed you on Flickr. Thanks for the giveaway!
Becky Coyle said:
I love all color, but I guess my favorite is red. Red makes me happy! However, most of my quilting is for my grandchildren, so I have an OVER abundance of pink and purple for the girls (their favorite colors) and blue for the boys.
Sue said:
My favorite color is aqua and it definitely shows in my stash, maybe a third of the fabrics have at least hint of aqua and I have just counted 11 different solids!!
Alcea Rosea said:
I love your triangles quilt, the movement reminds me of a waterfall rainbow. My favourite colour is green but it I don’t seem to have much in my small stash.
Fran said:
My favourite colour is blue & it is certainly well represented in my quilts & also my fabric stash! So happy to have found your blog, thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Jenny said:
Great blog hop post ladies! Your business sounds so fun and the rainbow quilt is just brilliant. My favourite colours are teal and grey, which are dominant in my stash, if not my projects to date.
Jenny @ Note to Follow Sew
Sandy D said:
Great Introduction.My favorite color seems to be red because I have been putting red into my quilts and I am drawn to other quilters quilts that have red in them.
Rachel said:
Great blog. I love the bright colorful quilts. You do have a very fun job :)
My favorite color is Lavender. I use a lot of blues and greens in my quilting.
barbara said:
i love all your projects and quilts. i love bright and jewel tone colors and quilts. do you do any hand piecing or hand quilting. does cooper have a blue eye? i so love kate spain but being on a fixed income of less than four hundred dollars monthly for disability, i cant afford it but i can sure can drool over looking at it! lol babscorbitt@gmail.com
Cindi said:
My favorite colors are purple and turquoise. I have only made a few quilts but it is reflected in my fabric buying. =)
Melissa said:
My favorite color is red and yes, I do make a LOT of things with red in it. I just can’t help it. White, red, and black is just my favorite color combination! You have made some really adorable quilts. I also love how you stage them. Excellent job!
Tamie said:
I don’t know that I have a true favorite color. I do attempt to use colors in my quilts that I feel I haven’t used before. I do love cool colors but I have have used warm colors too.
Alicia Merlino said:
I love all the teal and aqua blues that are popular right now!
Erica said:
My favourite colour is aqua and I do use it quite often – but I love red as well! Your projects are beautiful and I especially love the rainbow triangle quilt. Thanks for sharing!
Adrianne said:
Your quilts are stunning, and I can definitely see that you have a lot of fun with the photography! I really struggle to pick a favourite colour, and I think that comes through in my quilts – there’s no really strong colour theme running through all of them. What can I say – I like to play with colour!
amy said:
Here via the hop – love your quilts! Esp the rainbow triangle one!! And I’m totally with you about designing on Illustrator being the best part. And fabric….while I do enjoy most of the rest of the process, I just can’t sew up all the projects I design! So exciting about you going to quilt market :) :). And my fave color? Well, it was red for quite awhile….but now I’m wayyy into gray. But it doesn’t appear in many of my quilts. Hmmm…..maybe that needs to change :)
DeborahGun said:
Well I thought my favourite colour was blue but a look at my recent makes suggests it must be purple!
Camilla said:
Great to meet you via the blog hop. What a great start in quilting you had! Some great projects there and what an exciting list of travels! I’d be hard pressed to pick a favourite colour, but I am often drawn to orange and yes it creeps into my sewing!
aylin-nilya.blogspot.de said:
My favorite Color is purple, that´s for sure.
Lovely post!
Karen@littlebirdiequilting said:
You have somelovely colourful quilts. My favourite colour is purple, and I like to use it with green in a lot of quilts, especially in the richness of batiks.
Beth said:
Great post – your quilts are beautiful. And it was great reading about you and your family. I think aqua is my favorite and I do use it quite often.
Sherry VF said:
My favorite color(s) are autumn based, especially red. Because it’s such a strong color, I use red(s) often but as an accent or complementary color. You are so blessed to have such a supportive family of quilters! Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Sabine Wright said:
My favorite colour is blue, but I find it hard to match, so no, it is not in many of my quilts. Right now I am obsessed with greens, from lime to turquoise, combined with pink, orange and red.
Kelsey @ Everyday Fray said:
Wow thank you so much for the opportunity to win a FQB! My favourite colour is purple but I honestly don’t sew with it much for some reason – likely because I make a lot of quilty gifts and not everyone likes purple haha. I love that you’re a family of quilters! My cousin Amanda and I actually blog together and it’s incredible to share it with someone :)
Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said:
Wow! Nice to meet you as part of the blog hop. You have so many wonderful projects! I’m a new follower via bloglovin.’ My favorite color is green, and I try to sneak it into as many quilts as I can. I love all shades, but my favorite is a fresh, apple green. It goes with so many colors and adds an element of fun to quilts, I think.
:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
Paula Hughes said:
Hmmmm…. I love so many colors! It changes all the time. I just like it to be bright and fun. Teal is really appealing to me right now, but I am also loving all these rainbow quilts. So nice to meet you ladies:) How great to have a family operation.
P.s. I reallyyyyy need this fabric, lol.
RobinSue said:
Thank you for sharing about yourself. It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your mom and grandmother – how fabulous to share the love of quilting! My favorite color is any shade of blue!
RobinSue said:
Thank you for sharing about yourself. It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your mom and grandmother – how fabulous to share the love of quilting! My favorite color is any shade of blue!
Alyce Rodriguez said:
Great post! I really enjoyed reading about your quilting story. I love your Lombard St design. That was the name of the street where my grandmother lived for about 20 years and my family even moved in there with her for a short time when I was young and we didn’t have anywhere else to live, so that name definitely has strong memories. My favorite color is green, but it doesn’t make it’s way into many of my projects because most of them are not for me. Thanks for the giveaway!
Diane said:
My favorite color is pink-all shades and hues. My last two finished quilts are shades of pink and aqua!
Julie said:
Girl! Great post, I love your style and your color choices – I am just shocked that you waited so long to get on Flickr. Well water under the bridge, you are on now and I love to see what project you are on next. Your dogs are adorable! I like purple, a lot, but no it isn’t in my quilts as much you would think. Purple is the one color in my stash that I don’t have a bunch of. Now pink….every shade and hue I think I have. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
Kathy A said:
aqua is my favorite. When I quilt for myself I use different shades of blue green. Thanks for the chance to win.
amira said:
Lovely blog you have, and your quilt designs are gorgeous!! The photos are beautiful too! Glad to found you through the bloghop!
I don’t have a favourite colour really. I love all colours!
Amira @ http://littlemushroomcap.blogspot.com
kris said:
Your projects are so pretty! I love them.
I have to say I love the bluegreen colors to greens of almost any shades. Before last year I didn’t make anything green and now I have several that are in shades of green.
Annie said:
Turquoise is my fav color and is the main color of my favorite quilt I’ve made. Love your blog and designs! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
Stephanie said:
My favorite color is purple and I have yet to make a purple quilt!
Kimberly @ RobotMomSews said:
Wow! So nice to meet you! You have awesome projects-I adore your triangle quilt in the last picture before your puppies (cute dogs!). It is stunning! All your work is!
My favorite colors is pink, but right now I am LOVING turquoise. Pink is usually in my quilts. Okay, 99% of the time. ;)
Amy @ Cloud CouCou Crafts said:
Wow, you have quilting in the blood, it must be so great to have a mum who sews.. mine hates it! I love your projects they’re all so beautiful. Definitely agree with you on the scraps I can’t bear to part with mine either and I’m always looking for ways to use them. My favourite colour is green, but strangely I hardly use it in my quilting..however I suppose my very favourite shade would be turquoise and that does feature heavily in fact I think I’m going to have to put a stop on it soon!!
Maureen said:
Hi! Like you, I love to use a rainbow of colors! The brighter the better. It’s easier to say which colors I don’t use-peach and brown-bleh! Cuzco is one of my favorites! Thanks for the chance to win!
Caroline said:
What a fun business to have with your mom:) I’m from WA and I know where reardon is but haven’t been to buggy barn yet. I’ll have to check it out next time I am close by. My favorite color is blue and I am definitely drawn towards a blue/green color combo when choosing fabrics!
Kathy said:
What a lovely post….so much eye candy!! My favorite colors are in the teal/aqua range. I know this because my scrap box of these colors was the first to overflow!
Lisa E said:
My favorite color is green but it’s not the color that I use the most in my quilts. I tend to use blue more. Your quilts are so lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
Casey said:
I know I’m late for the giveaway, but I still wanted to say congratulations and best of luck with your business! Will you have a booth at Quilt Market? Your designs are beautiful, as are your photos! Nice to meet you through the blog hop!
Stephanie said:
Oh my goodness, I just cannot get over that triangle rainbow quilt…love, love, love that pattern!! Just another one to add into the “quilts to do” pile! Nice to get to know you through the Hop :)
Laura C said:
I am too late for the giveaway (vacation…world’s smallest violin, right?) but I enjoyed looking through your photos and reading more about your designs. I love families quilting together—I am a fourth-generation quilter, and it’s really something special to continue the tradition!
ange@heartofcharnwood said:
I love quite a few different colours, but i don’t think my tastes are always reflected in my quilts, I think i’m still finding my design style! :o)
Green said:
I missed the giveaway?! Oh well. My favorite color is… it changes daily. My daughter and I have a new favorite color everyday – I love color. I love colorful quilts and colorful shoes and bags and everything.
I enjoyed seeing your lovely quilts – they are very colorful – and I like that.
Emily T said:
I love your rainbow quilts – so bright and cheerful. Your designs are really graphic and jump out at me!
nancy said:
It was nice to meet you! How to fun to operate a business with a loved one. You posted some lovely finishes!
Molli Sparkles said:
Do you even know how big a fan I am of Sassafras Lane! I see all of your projects and am blown away. Congratulations on your success, and I’m glad we the LGA blog hop has brought us together. A definite follower here!