Wiley Way in Marine Too

Wiley Way in Marine Too

This version of our Wiley Way pattern is a little bit different than the two versions that come with the pattern. We used six focus fabrics featuring Marine Too from Birch Fabrics. 
Wiley Way in Sphere

Wiley Way in Sphere

We have a another Wiley Way to show you! This version was displayed in Moda's booth at Quilt Market in Houston. This Wiley Way features Sphere, Brigitte Heitland's newest line through Zen Chic for Moda. 
Wiley Way in Meadow

Wiley Way in Meadow

We had the wonderful opportunity to make a quilt to display in Monaluna's booth at Quilt Market in Houston. This Wiley Way features Meadow, Jennifer's newest line. These fabrics are all organic and incredibly soft, not to mention adorable! 
Wiley Way - Flying the Coop

Wiley Way - Flying the Coop

Our Wiley Way pattern has a fun design option that allows you to focus on five fabrics instead of nine. The background zigs between the five focus fabrics creating a fun and stunning visual.
Quilt Market in Houston - Our Projects

Quilt Market in Houston - Our Projects

Quilt Market prep was a whirlwind. We made a few projects that were displayed around Quilt Market in other booths. Here are the projects we had scattered around. It was fun to make the same pattern multiple times in different fabric lines. 
Quilt Market in Houston - Our Booth!

Quilt Market in Houston - Our Booth!

So we are back in Colorado with lots to do and smiles on our faces. Our first Quilt Market could not have gone better! We made lots of contacts, met so many wonderful people and had a blast. Our feet are a little tired, but it was so worth it!
Wiley Way in Bali Batiks

Wiley Way in Bali Batiks

Today I am sharing a fun version of our Wiley Way pattern made up in Hoffman's new batiks! I love how the color sweeps from light green down to purple. This is a slight variation from our original pattern. I used two different background fabrics instead of just one.
Wiley Way is finally here!

Wiley Way is finally here!

The final new pattern we will be showing at Market is finally ready for the public eye!! Woot woot! (Insert happy dance here!) This pattern is quick, easy and fun! We have already made several of them, 11 to be exact! (Don't worry, we will share them too!)
The things we endure for a good photo!

The things we endure for a good photo!

We always have a blast on our photo-shoots. This is one of the things I will miss the most when we are separated by states. Today was a little challenging though! You may have seen on the news that Colorado is getting a little extra rain then normal (to put it lightly!).