Arcadia Avenue QAL - Paper Piecing
Hey Everyone! It has been a blast seeing all the different fabric pulls you are coming up with. If you haven't shared your fabrics yet, don't fret! We still would love to see them, so add them to our Flickr group. Today is more of an information day, but then next time the sewing begins =]
Let's talk paper-piecing. People either seem to love it, hate it or fear it! This is a sewing technique that comes with a list of pros and cons. For us, the pros outweigh the cons. We love the precision of the points and the creativity a foundation allows.
New to paper-piecing? Think about it as sewing by numbers. It really is that easy! We have a photo tutorial here for reference.
We have had quite a few requests for the yardage amounts for Arcadia Avenue. Below is the fabric amounts you need. The two backgrounds, binding and backing you will not need until the blocks are finished. We will show you how we audition backgrounds down the road.
- ½ yards of 12 Assorted Fabrics
- 2¾ yards of a Light Fabric
- 1¾ yards of a Medium Fabric
- 2¼ yards of a Dark Fabric
- 1½ yards of 2 Coordinating Background Fabrics
- ⅝ yard of Binding Fabric
- 5½ yards of Backing Fabric
We also have a few recommended products (not necessary, but will make life much easier!).
- Letter-size Foundation Paper
- 9½” or larger 60° Triangle Ruler -or- Freezer Paper to make templates for setting triangles
- Add-a-quarter™ ruler
We would love to hear your thoughts on paper-piecing. Are there any products you absolutely love that we need to hear about?
There is no link up on today's post, but if you have progress photos please add them to our Flickr group for your chance to win a fun little prize. Our first winner is Dana (aka the Crafty Minx) for sharing this fun fabric selection:
Thanks for stopping by!
Janet said:
I would love to know where to get this pattern, do we buy it or is it all going to be online? Sorry but this is the 1st time I have seen this subject. thanks, Janet
Mandy said:
My pattern should be arriving tomorrow! I can’t wait to join. I am super excited!!! It’s been only this month I have fallen for pp’ing.
Bronwyn said:
I am doing this as a block of Month with a group in Australia .Just got my fabrics yesterday and I’m doing the prep work which lead me to your site.I am excited for me it’s a challenge but I’m up for it.
Ruth Reidle said:
I love the pattern and paper piecing. However, I am not happy with the bulk in the center when sewing the pieces together. Is there a trick to sewing this together to reduce the bulk in the center so it lies flatter? Thanks for any help or suggestions you have to offer.
Julia said:
I will be using the Freezer Paper paper piecing method, so that I can re-use the foundations and not have to pick out the paper.
Rochelle said:
I’m using the paper piecing paper but found I have to print it on my ink jet printer. Tried to put it through the laser printer at the copy store and it is too thin. really wanted to use their ink and not mine but….oh well!
Almost ready for the first block!
Corky said:
Just got here, trying to catch up. Read all about the Arcadia Avenue QAL, and LOVE it!! Can hardly wait to get started. Gotta run upstairs and select my fabrics. I’ll post pics, too. Thanks!!
Kathleen Charnell said:
where can I find the pattern for the 2015 quilt along? Thanks